
Showing posts from 2024

Reading notes from "Postcolonial, Decolonial, Anti-Colonial: Does it Matter? By Lydia Ayame Hiraide"

  As I am starting a new research, or rather continuing with  The Untouched Collection , I feel the need to clarify certain terms.  Lydia Ayame Hiraide's article brought some light for me, even though, as I understand, polemics are still ongoing when it comes to which word to use.  As I read it, I feel that DECOLONIAL would be the term I would like to use for my work. But as I continue to explore the subject, I may come back to this ... Her work was published in "New Voices in post-colonial studies" "Our use of language is under constant change, and this is perhaps nowhere truer than within the field of Postcolonial Studies (Britton, 1999; Ashcroft, 2002; Ramanathan, 2005). From ‘Third World’ to ‘Global South’, ‘people of colour’ to ‘racialised people’ , there are numerous examples of linguistic shifts, which once introduced, can feel eternal and natural. In this vein, this article will reflect on the extent to which discussions around language are important for resi...

Woodthorpe Tropical House - Nottingham


Colonial empires through time

In 2020-2021, with the project "The Untouched Collection" ,   I was researching a 19 th century collection of travelling books to collect illustrations of African nature and explore issues of de/colonisation. In winter 2021, as I visited Valencia's botanic gardens, it became obvious to me that botanic gardens would be my next research axis.  Today, I wanted to have a better idea of when and how these gardens appeared and as they are directly linked to colonial empires, I wanted to visualise the geographical developement of these empires through time.

En sac à dos en Crète - Backpacking in Crete - journal

(in English underneath-  Translated with ) Dimanche 4 août 2024.   Sunday 4 August 2024. J'ai beaucoup aimé cette phrase d’un internaute donnant des conseils pour faire son sac à dos. C’était quelque chose comme : « les peurs pèsent lourd ».  Effectivement : l’anti-moustique, les gélules d’arnica pour les douleurs, les comprimés préventifs en cas d’infection urinaire … ça pèse quelques centaines de grammes peut-être.  Et puis j’ai peut-être pris un peu trop de shampoing et de crème pour le corps. Mais j’ai enlevé quelques trucs qui pesaient un total de 300 g ! Peurs.  Et si … ? Et si …., ? Et si …. ?   Ma plus grande inquiétude c’est mon corps. J’ai des douleurs en ce moment que je connais bien, liées aux tensions musculaires, elles-mêmes liées au stress … Alors je m’inquiète pour la marche du 2eme jour : la descente des gorges de Samaria. Avec mon sac à dos lourd de toutes mes peurs. Ce voyage es...