
Showing posts from December, 2010

Trials - laptop self portraits - trying to cover the background with my hair


Patter Hellstrom


Trials - laptop self portraits - trying to cover the background

Publish Post Also finding out that there is a physical point (closer to the laptop/lense) where the image regains its more natural colours.  The pictures were taken in semi darkness with a small light in background.

Trials - Laptop self portraits with scarf and mouse

Exploring self portrait with a laptop and a non wireless mouse. I also wanted to hide my background so I used a scarf and tried to see how far I could go. It was quite difficult to . Here I found it interesting that the poses look quite romantic when this was actually due to the physical difficulty of the task :  holding the scarf, going as far as I could, checking on the monitor if the background was covered and clicking on the mouse at the same time