
Showing posts from December, 2008


The idea of this research came with different things happening : finding out about Rebecca 's passion for fashion and crazy dressing up and the sense of sexual freedom/discovery that comes with it, loving Phil Sayers 's work " Changing Places " seen in Leeds ( ), starting to think a lot about feminism and what it means now days and trying to make my mind about all that ... in order to know better what it means for me (and in the art world/contemporary world), as a female artist, to show myself in my artwork ... Along all this came the subject I choose for an essay about 3 pieces of work from 3 different artists : Jenny Saville , Vanessa Beecroft and Pipilotti Rist . I really want to know more about what interests Rebecca in the fashion world. I first had that old-fashion feminist view about women posing for advertising and this included fashion magazines : that these women and advertisements were just using them as


I've chosen some of the most recent ones ... It's funny how they look completely different to me, now that I have started to work at this "fashion magazines" project ! Now I can see some kind of style in them ... it is very difficult to step out of your own work, especially this one which is about self-portrait. Most of these images have never been shown, I have kept taking them for years but still don't know what they really are. In the present project, they can be samples of the styles, atmospheres, poses,colours, introspective states that I like or that are my own style. I think houses can be very good settings for shots ... I think that these images reflect very much my way of working : they are very spontaneous, quickly made and pretty rough and natural. I took them because the light or the colours or my mood inspired me at that moment ... but they are very consciously taken as I have most of the time the full control over my image with the mirror refle

Another best one, for other reasons (from Rebecca's choices)

I find this one completely crazy. I think it is a perfect example of nowdays advertisings where you get completely lost in the meanings : they've added so many layers of references and levels of understanding that nobody can get it anymore .... Proper contemporary art !:) I just love the clothes and how the model looks dumb, stoned or whatever : as if she's some kind of spirit of the tree that has just fallen out of it ... And the close up bubbles are crazy too like made by a drunk person : they just don't make sense because they are not focusing on what they should ! So I love this one too ...

Playing with the camera / the viewer (from Rebecca's choices)

This style (how theey act) is far to be my favourite, unless pushed to its limits and turned into derision or caricature ...

My personaly favourite style (from Rebecca's choices)

I love the unusual settings and the fact that there are other people around. The colours are subtle and well-balanced (the scanning has lost it here, sorry). She is posing posing but still looking very natural, close to herself. She is not "over beautiful" but still very sensual. There is such an harmony between her clothes/their colour and the surroundings. I just love those shootings .... My favourite over all ... because of the multiple frames, the round shape and the fact that she is photographed from behind the glass and also looks like she's lost in her thoughts ....


PHIL SAYERS "Vogue Divine" "Vogue Divine : a collaboration with poet Philip Davenport, images were produced in response to 7 of his Vogue Divine poems, adopting the style and visual syntax of advertising and fashion magazines.They were produced in two formats - AO size, bill-posted around Manchester for the Poetry Festival, and also published as an A6 postcard set." "Changing Places" CARLA GANNIS NATE PAGE