
Showing posts from January, 2015


As I stand on the ground

Snakes and fish

Her new skin was still quite thin, transparent and delicate. Your skin, her skin Keep me inside you safe. My friend the Snake

Dorothy Iannone

Frieze Magazine November-December 2008 In the last few years, the American-born, Berlin-based artist Dorothy Iannone has finally been getting a little more attention for the work she made in the 1970s. Her video sculpture I Was Thinking of You (1975) – a sarcophagus-size box, painted with a joyously erotic love-making scene and including a built-in monitor screening a close-up video of the artist’s face while masturbating – was plucked from relative obscurity and remade in three different versions for presentations in The Wrong Gallery at Tate Modern in 2005 and in the 2006 Whitney Biennial. Her most recent solo exhibition of paintings, works on paper and two other video sculptures from the same period, as well as some recent screen prints, offered a rare opportunity to see more of her work. These shows also confirm a wider and welcome readiness to understand the ‘contemporary’ part of contemporary art as an indication of context and currency of ideas, regardless of the age of th


My heart is bleeding at the bottom of the sea.