
Showing posts from March, 2017

Deep Sea - solo show and residency (Surface Gallery prize winner from the Castle Open 2015)

"Deep Sea is the culmination of a three-week residency, which was awarded to Céline Siani Djiakoua as the Surface Gallery prize for the Nottingham Castle Open 2015. Deep Sea is a show concerned with the migrant crisis, colonisation and imperialistic values. Using large scale drawings and ink paintings, tinted fabric and sound installation, the exhibition evokes the struggles of opposing forces at work within the world. The overwhelming presence of the colour blue reminds us of the deep seas and the fluid and sensual qualities of water. The exhibition offers many levels of readings, with references to feminist French philosopher Luce Irigaray and also Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. It is a show to be experienced both sensually and intellectually.  Deep Sea includes a specially commissioned sound piece by filmmaker and creative writer Ioney Smallhorne."   

March 2017


February 2017


January 2017


January 2017


We are Humanity


Workshop for the Holocaust Memorial Day - Borderline New Vic Theatre - St Mary's Primary School - Staffordshire - 2008


"Animating" my drawings ....

Please double click on the video to watch it full screen on Utube.

Animated drawing - March 2017

Please double click on the video to watch it full screen on Utube.