The idea of this research came with different things happening : finding out about Rebecca 's passion for fashion and crazy dressing up and the sense of sexual freedom/discovery that comes with it, loving Phil Sayers 's work " Changing Places " seen in Leeds ( ), starting to think a lot about feminism and what it means now days and trying to make my mind about all that ... in order to know better what it means for me (and in the art world/contemporary world), as a female artist, to show myself in my artwork ... Along all this came the subject I choose for an essay about 3 pieces of work from 3 different artists : Jenny Saville , Vanessa Beecroft and Pipilotti Rist . I really want to know more about what interests Rebecca in the fashion world. I first had that old-fashion feminist view about women posing for advertising and this included fashion magazines : that these women and advertisements were just using them as ...